Bridging the divide

Lesson 20

Part 3 - Stepping up

20: Ending a conversation

Course Complete

Leave, but leave the bridge standing.

Key takeaways:

When you know you can leave, it's safer, more motivating, and easier to show up.

Use any exits available. Ideally, you have put these in place beforehand!
Remember: The tone makes the music.
In case of doubt, don't burn the bridge; it may be useful later - for you, for the other person, or for someone else.
Acknowledge that this was a tough conversation. Thank them for talking with you, and for anything else you are genuinely grateful for and that you want to highlight.
Regardless of how the conversation went, give yourself credit for stepping up.
If you did not get the result you hoped, remember that you planted a seed. If you want, you can water and fertilize that seed later (or maybe someone else will), and hopefully it will sprout when it's ready. This is a long-term project.

Practice suggestions:

With a friendly partner, practice different "flavors" of ending a friendly conversation.

Notice how the different "flavors" feel in your body, and how your voice sounds.
Ask your partner how the different "flavors" felt and sounded for them, and whether they had a preference.
Notice what might be useful for a more difficult conversation with a not-so-friendly person. Practice that with your friendly partner.

Part 3 - Stepping up

13: The foundation

13: The foundation

14: What is holding you back?

14: What is holding you back?

15: When a conversation is not going well

15: When a conversation is not going well

16: Permission to leave

16: Permission to leave

17: Planning ahead

17: Planning ahead

18: Taking a break

18: Taking a break

19: Changing the subject

19: Changing the subject

20: Ending a conversation

20: Ending a conversation

Course Complete

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