Bridging the divide

Lesson 17

Part 3 - Stepping up

17: Planning ahead

Course Complete

Be prepared for emergencies.

Key takeaways:

Put your fire exits and escape routes in place before your start a conversation.

Conduct some "fire drills" before the conversation - don't wait until the house is burning.
Consider whether setting a time limit for your conversation (officially or unofficially) would be useful.
Consider whether having a "safe word" would help.

Practice suggestions:

Pick an everyday activity that you find slightly uncomfortable or unpleasant.

Set a private time limit for doing that activity - one that is ridiculously small and doable (tidying the house for one minute, for example).
State your time limit out loud and set a timer. Start the timer and do the activity until the timer goes off, then stop the activity. How does it feel to start, do, and stop the activity with a time limit in place?

Part 3 - Stepping up

13: The foundation

13: The foundation

14: What is holding you back?

14: What is holding you back?

15: When a conversation is not going well

15: When a conversation is not going well

16: Permission to leave

16: Permission to leave

17: Planning ahead

17: Planning ahead

18: Taking a break

18: Taking a break

19: Changing the subject

19: Changing the subject

20: Ending a conversation

20: Ending a conversation

Course Complete

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