Bridging the divide

Lesson 19

Part 3 - Stepping up

19: Changing the subject

Course Complete

Open a "safety valve" to release tension.

Key takeaways:

There are many possible ways to "naturally" redirect a conversation

Consider what is appropriate or useful under the circumstances. 
Be genuine - don't merely use a technique.
Acknowledge how the other person is feeling. (This makes you a safer person to be around.)
Pay them a compliment. (Remember to be genuine!)
Use humor. (With caution!)
Divert attention to something in your environment Is that picture new? - or to an activity you are engaged in together - How are the potatoes?
If you have cultivated a positive relationship, this will make it easier to change the subject when needed.

Practice suggestions:

During a friendly conversation with a friendly partner:

Pay attention: Are you changing the subject sometimes? If so, how?
Experiment with changing the subject deliberately. How does that feel - to you and the other person? Can you redirect the conversation smoothly?
Notice what might be useful for changing the subject in a more difficult conversation with a perhaps not-so-friendly person. Practice that with your friendly partner.

Part 3 - Stepping up

13: The foundation

13: The foundation

14: What is holding you back?

14: What is holding you back?

15: When a conversation is not going well

15: When a conversation is not going well

16: Permission to leave

16: Permission to leave

17: Planning ahead

17: Planning ahead

18: Taking a break

18: Taking a break

19: Changing the subject

19: Changing the subject

20: Ending a conversation

20: Ending a conversation

Course Complete

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