Bridging the divide

Lesson 16

Part 3 - Stepping up

16: Permission to leave

Course Complete

You don't necessarily have to stay in a conversation and endure, stop, or fix every "bad" thing that is happening.

Key takeaways:

What makes stepping up to a challenging conversation stressful (besides the prospect that something unpleasant or painful may happen), is our belief that we cannot leave: we often think that we have to stay and endure, stop, or fix unwanted behavior or emotions - but we don't want to do that and/or we can't.
Do not expect of yourself to endure, stop, or fix unwanted behaviors or emotions. In many situations, you can't - and you don't have to.
Utilize the verbal equivalents of evading and redirecting: take a break, change the subject, or end the conversation.

Part 3 - Stepping up

13: The foundation

13: The foundation

14: What is holding you back?

14: What is holding you back?

15: When a conversation is not going well

15: When a conversation is not going well

16: Permission to leave

16: Permission to leave

17: Planning ahead

17: Planning ahead

18: Taking a break

18: Taking a break

19: Changing the subject

19: Changing the subject

20: Ending a conversation

20: Ending a conversation

Course Complete

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