Bridging the divide

Lesson 10

Part 2 - Shifting your mindset

10: Shift your attitude

Course Complete

Curiosity opens.

Key takeaways:

The attitude of "I don't know everything, and I want to learn" sets the tone and opens the possibility for dialogue and deeper understanding.
By setting a tone of "curious learning", you take pressure off yourself. You also present yourself as a safer person to be around (because you are not attacking the other person's identity as a smart and good human), you make it more motivating for the other person to have a conversation with you (because you are genuinely interested in what they have to say), and you make it easier for them to talk with you (because you are already open to learning, it will take less effort for them to share their perspective).
Setting a tone of being genuinely curious and willing to learn makes it more likely that you and the other person will find your common humanity.

Practice suggestion:

Pick any opinion where you are convinced that you are right. Do "I am right" in your body. Then bring the attitude of a fascinated child to your bodymind. Say "I may be right, but what else is going on here that could be interesting and helpful to know?" Notice:

What is the difference between embodying those two attitudes?
What is more useful for accomplishing your goals?

Part 2 - Shifting your mindset


7: "More useful" - for what?

8: Make it safe, motivating, and easy to hang out with you

8: Make it safe, motivating, and easy to hang out with you

9: Check your attitude

9: Check your attitude

10: Shift your attitude

10: Shift your attitude

11: Manufacturing curiosity

11: Manufacturing curiosity

12: Ripple effects - the power of relationships

12: Ripple effects - the power of relationships

Course Complete

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