Bridging the divide

Lesson 4

Part 1 - Managing stress and emotions

4: Practice, application, and being “ready”

Course Complete

Give yourself credit for what you did well. Keep going.

Key takeaways:

Centering, Smiling Heart, Shining, and Power Sitting are SKILLS. You have to PRACTICE to get better at them.
Practice before your challenging conversation, so you can APPLY your skills when you need them during your challenging conversation.
Calibrate: At first, practice when you are calm. Gradually practice in more and more challenging situations.
You do not have to be perfectly calm, relaxed, and confident. Aim for being calm enough,  relaxed enough, and confident enough, to have a conversation.
If a conversation did not go well, that's okay. Be kind to yourself. You did the best you could. Give yourself credit for what went well. Continue to practice and refine your skills, and - if you want and if it's appropriate - try again.

Practice suggestion:

Practice Power Sitting, Centering, Smiling Heart, and Shining - twice a day, five days a week. Link your practice with something you are already doing, for example when you sit down at your desk, when you sit down to have a cup of coffee or tea by yourself, or before you compose an email or text message.

Part 1 - Managing stress and emotions

1: Start with your body - manufacturing a more useful foundation

1: Start with your body - manufacturing a more useful foundation

2: Calm, relaxed, open, and kind

2: Calm, relaxed, open, and kind

3: Stable, balanced, alert, and powerful

3: Stable, balanced, alert, and powerful

4: Practice, application, and being

4: Practice, application, and being "ready"

5: Feelings

5: Feelings

6: Manufacturing more useful feelings

6: Manufacturing more useful feelings

Course Complete

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