Beyond Power Posing

Take up space and exude confidence - from the inside out.


Would you like to feel, look, and BE more confident and powerful?

Do you get small when you are faced with a challenge? Or do you perhaps go a bit overboard with being "assertive"?
Do you give other people more space than is healthy and sustainable for you?
Do you find it scary and/or exhausting to make yourself seen and heard?

This workshop is for you if you want to

take up the space you need, without taking too much away from other people,
feel and look more confident and powerful, without pretending or overcompensating, and
make yourself seen and heard in a way that is easier, more subtle and effective.

What you'll get:

3 hours of instruction, in 9 bite-sized videos to watch at your convenience and at your own pace.
(These are not recordings of a live event. All videos were separately created after a live online workshop series for those who could not attend live, and for participants who wanted to review and practice more.)

You will explore your patterns around taking up space, and learn tools you can apply immediately:

How much space you take up habitually, and when you might want to take up more space - or less.
How you take up space, and why "flavor" might be more important than quantity.
How to increase your confidence and power through your posture, intention, and breathing.

I loved this workshop ... SO much fun and insight!



Thank you again for your effort and amazing helpful workshop. I learned so much! I can now take up all the space I have, without shrinking into a corner. This was exactly what I needed.



Course Content:

Power Posing: Taking up space through posture

1 - How much space are you taking up?

Focus and purpose of this workshop.

2 - How are you taking up space?

Your postural habits, and the anatomy of confidence and power.

3 - Power Posing: quantity vs quality

"High power" and "Low power" postures - it's not just about how much space you take up, but how you do that!

4 - Posture and power

Power Sitting, Centering, and testing common postural features.

Power from the inside out: Taking up space through intention and breathing.

5 - Power through intention

Intention in the body and in movement.

6 - Taking up less space

Getting smaller vs smallifying.

7 - Taking up more space

Getting bigger vs bigifying.

8 - Six Directions Breathing

A guided breathing practice.

9 - Practice and applications

Suggestions for how to practice Six Directions Breathing and apply this in daily life.

Your Instructor

Elisabeth Fisher

Hello! I'm Elisabeth Fisher, and I don't like conflict.

As a former corporate attorney and mediator, I have been helping people get along better at work and at home for over 30 years. I teach my clients how to stay calm and focused under stress, defuse tense situations, speak up with confidence, and disagree respectfully. 

I lead Embodied Peacemaking workshops based on the mindbody education system developed by Paul Linden. I am a certified embodiment coach and Yoga teacher (Yin, Vinyasa, Embodied Toolkit), martial artist (Black Belt in Kenpo Karate), Embodied Meditation teacher, practicing Buddhist, and ballroom dancer.

Let's create a more peaceful world together.

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